Mistress calming her girl

At times one can get upset about things that happen to you that you can not do anything about. It makes no sense to be upset about something you can't change anyway but as well Mistress as I are no strangers to the fact that it sometimes happens to us.

A few days ago, we were looking for new hair for me as by now half the place we play in had the same hair as I started wearing half a year ago. You would think they would be more original and go look for themselves instead of trying to copy someone. Ahhhh well, these things happen so I had to find something new.

A thing that changed lately in SL is that objects you wear, are these days often sold with a script inside to makes it "easier" to make them fit. This means that you can scale the entire object up or down in steps of 1%, 5%, or 10%. Also there is an option to scale, rotate and move single prims of the object that way. So you basically are taken through a menu now and forced to move things around in extremely small amounts what could have been done a hundred times faster in the editor than like that.

So far, nothing wrong with it as a lot of people have difficulties adjusting it with the standard tools. Most I know can do it very well though and way faster in the editor instead of scripted. Still nothing wrong as long as you have the choice of doing it by hand or by the menu.

Here is where things get messy. Designers have a new tool implemented in their items and whether you want to or not: THIS is the way you can adjust things and NO other way allowed anymore. Meaning that what someone, who is capable of editing manually, can do in 10 minutes, can now not even be done in 10 hours anymore.

As you can tell, by even writing this I get upset again by those idiotic designers. OK, I will count to 10 now and continue with the point of it all...

When trying out some hair with Miss, she made a remark that certain pieces of it, she did not like. Well, I know how the new tool works so: Let's adjust it then to see how it looks. Well, after like 200 mouseclicks I was perhaps 5% further in how I wanted things to look and since it is not worth getting RSI because you want to adjust a single prim, I cursed frustrated about the idiotic designers and announced I would never take that hair.

That's where Mistress came in and calmed me down:
Miss: Shhh Sunshine, calm down. We go just look somewhere else for hair.
Kyla: Yes but I really like this hair.
Miss: Then you should take the time to adjust it girl. This is the way it works. If you don't like it, complain with the ones who sell it.
Kyla: Sighs but simply takes the first option. To go somewhere else.

I know that this is the best way as when you really contact the seller either one of two things will probably happen:

  • They will not reply at all by it. After all, this is new and in their limited view, it's the 8th wonder of the world. So customers should not complain.
  • You will get a reply explaining how very good this is for a big group of people and you are the only one complaining (right, because most more experienced people simply don't buy there then anymore).
Anyway... Mistress knows how to find the right tone to cool me down so I stopped cursing and yelling about it and we had a pleasant evening instead.

Next entry will be about the opposite, as that happens too.



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