Of course the day after my previous entry, in the evening we had our final talk about what happened. It's not as if we both did not see each other's views the day before. We really did.
Thing is... Miss was just angry and I was disappointed about what happened. I know now better than to pull a stunt like that again and Mistress will never have to be angry at her girl anymore for that reason.
The public whipping was taken off as a reward for the fact that I finally managed to do something that I did not manage to do before but what may be expected from a submissive: Swallow my pride and beg for forgiveness, even if I was not convinced at all that I had made a mistake.
A while back, I wrote that I felt something shifting inside me. Better understanding what being submissive is about. Since that time, we have had less (none?) true collisions anymore. And even if I made a mistake here and Mistress was angry at me for that reason, there was not a collision this time either as I immediately went to her and asked for forgiveness.
Last entry, I wrote that I was upset about it. Well, I was! It is scary and somewhat degrading to have to lower yourself even if you think you are right. When I look back at it now though, I'm all giddy about it. I managed to be that what I truly feel I want to be. Even if it was hard, it felt exactly right somehow. I am Mistress's girl and was put in my place as such. A big turn-on!
So we had our talk. Miss was sweet and caring; we both acknowledged that we could understand each other's views on it at that moment and most of all: We increased our positions towards each other.
I melted in her arms this time. Somehow, each time when something like this happens, it seems as if our relation deepens. We come out stronger and stronger and we totally belong together. As I said in a joke afterwards: "Miss as captain and her girl steering in all the wrong directions".
Looking totally forward to be at her feet again tonight...
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