Stepping out of my role

Sometimes something can happen that will make it necessary to forget for a while that I am Mistress's girl and and instead focus on simply being there for her in another way.

Yesterday such a moment arrived when Miss told me she lost a dear friend of her. I did not care at that moment for the proper decorum and me being her girl. That can wait till later! Instead I felt Miss needed two arms and for her girl to show that she is much more than only her girl. I felt I had to step forward and present me as Miss' wife but most of all as another dear friend.

Miss was really upset with what happened (who wouldn't). Yesterday and the coming days, just as long as is necessary and comfortable for Miss, I will simply be there for her to talk to, cuddle her and in general... be there for her as she is always there for me.

It feels not strange at all to step out of my role and be the "strong" one for the time being. Miss will, when she is ready, without any doubt let me know that I am to be at her feet again and ready to serve her once more as we both feel is right. Just not right now...

I will always be there for You Miss.



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